Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Resident Evil 6 Umbrella

When I read they were giving away free umbrellas for anyone who preorders the new Resident Evil 6 game, I felt like jumping to the sky for a high five. Great news for Resident Evil lovers of the game and rain enthausts alike.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

The love for consoles

I used to own the Modern Warfare 3 Xbox, decided to sell up wouldn't want to get rid of the
Star Wars one
 If anyone has any questions or want to leave comments then feel free to do so....

Welcome to the gamers blog

Welcome to my blog

Welcome everyone to the weird and the wonderful blogging for gamers.
You'll find all sorts of articles on news, reviews and rumourmills that maybe happening at the moment.
So I hope you enjoy reading up on the blog!!!!!